PJs & Pampers



We hope that you will help us make McNeilly children’s holiday just a bit brighter again this year.  Last year friends like you raised more than $8,000 to provide pjs and pampers to McNeilly children in need!  We cannot thank you enough for your support.  

The pajama party last year was a hit, and we can't wait to welcome our children to the "Candyland Christmas Pajama Party" this year!  Many of the families at McNeilly Center for Children struggle to buy diapers, and festive pajamas are a luxury that just isn't in the budget for most of our families.  We hope to provide every McNeilly child with their very own holiday pajamas and provide diapers and wipes for families in need who are struggling to make this purchase.   

PJs and pampers mean more than you could ever imagine for our children and families!  Please feel free to share with anyone you think would want to help Make McNeilly Merry!